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Places And Forms Of Power

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Par   •  6 Mai 2015  •  426 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 071 Vues

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My talk today will focus on the notion Places and Forms of power. First of all I would like to give a quit definition of that notion. Power is a strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted, power is synonym of might. It can be exerted by justice, the Media, High political authorities or how we saw in class by a whole country. Secondly, In relation to the topic of my presentation would be gun violence. So: why is it so difficult to regulate gun violence? To answer this problematic I will talk about the movie of Michael Moore and the gun control.

Indeed, according to the movie of Michael Moore “bowling for columbine” the US nation built itself around the notion of fear. In that cartoon at the beginning, he shows that throughout their history American people have fought. Many different supposed enemies and imposed their power on them. The very first horrible act of subservience was against the Indians, then against the British in 1775. Perhaps the worst act power they showed was during the slave trade. I have the feeling that forcing its power on people is always a nasty process but that’s the history of most civilized countries and becomes predominant countries of the world, like the US.

Talking new about the violence in US, an other act of power by firearms. In America, the gun of culture is considerate like their roots. It’s a culture and a tradition. It’s written in the second amendment of the American Constitution. In France, you need hunting or a shooting license a clean criminal record and you are listed. However, in America, Anyone over 18 years purchases a firearm a hand gun. To arm a gun at somebody it’s to subject him, to have the right of life and death on him. For example, in 2012 where James Halmes killed 12 people and injured 58 others as the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting where Adam Lanza shot 20 children and 8 adults dead, nothing changes because of big lobby like NRA who put pressus on government not to forbid the sale of gun. As a French citizen, don’t understand their way of thinking. For me to live in terror at school, see all horrible. But for them, this is normal and it’s difficult to change behavior.

To conclude, the issue of gun ownership in America is a complex subject. Indeed, in America the tradition of firearms allows the citizens to protect themselves and have some power; however this power can quickly become dangerous.


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