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Place Sanofi

Note de Recherches : Place Sanofi. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Novembre 2012  •  202 Mots (1 Pages)  •  795 Vues

This sector is dominate by only some companies which are these 8 ones on the second chart. As you can see, Sanofi is actually the fourth.

 Business To Business:


Sanofi have two kinds of business :

- Pharmaceutical, which represents 87 % of sales and it concerns Diabete, Oncology, and other blockbusters products

Vaccines, which have 13 % of sales and it’s all human vaccines (pediatric, influenza, booster, meningitis,travel, endemics)

Even though the methods of distribution changes according to countries, Sanofi mostly sells drugs to the

- Wholesalers,

- Retailers (independents and outlets pharmacies)

- Hospitals, private hospitals

- Health centers

- Public organism

For rare disease, Sanofi sells directly to the doctors.

The vaccines are also sell to the NGO on the international aid


The subjects we have choosen are the roles of wholesalers, the quality standards and Total Quality Management and the sales forces motivation, training and remuneration.

The wholesalers delivers about 80% of the world market distribution

This sector reach the health of people, it’s the reason why there are a lot of norms in chemical sector.

Pharmaceutical sector doesn’t touch by the crisis, so it’s very profitable for companies. The employees are in good work conditions, the key to motivate them.


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