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Petite invention en anglais

Dissertations Gratuits : Petite invention en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Avril 2014  •  383 Mots (2 Pages)  •  736 Vues

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Song ''singin' in the rain'' just chorus

Hello, i'm John's Poppins the great grandson of Mary Poppins!

And i'm Taylor Ward a young musician .

Are you sad when it's raining because you stay at home and give up your projects of the day ?


We've got the solution for you, the UMBRUSIC. Isn't an ordinary umbrella because you can listen to music or radio with it thank's to the JAC located on the op of UMBRUSIC. You can choose your favorites musics when you go out. You can also charge the umbrusic with solars panels.

Also, the principle of this object comes to the music ''I'm singin' in the rain'', because when it's raining a lot of people looks sad or crazy if they sing without music so to help them the Umbrusic is here ! As that they can sing in the rain and be happy.

- First of all, the umbrusic is ecologic with solars panels at the top also it's a 2 in 1 because it protects you from the rain and you can listen to your favorites musics.

-Moreover, The umbrusic is practical and doesn't take a long time to be ready to use.

You have to connect your cellphone or your walkman with a jack, push play button and put your cellphone or your walkman on the umbrella in a protected place. Now you can take your umbrella and just walk in the street with your music in your umbrella, it is very quick and useful. You can use it when it's raining or not for your pleasure.

So, Be young, have fun, taste Umbrusic's experience.

They are 3 speakers each have 80 decibels and a power of 20 watts. The umbrusic is made of steel stainless and plastic.

-''The umbrusic is very surprising because the sound is really great and now when I'm going to the parc, to the cinema... I take my umbrusic and I enjoy classical music.''

-''The umbrusic is my best purchase because I use it all the time and it never breaks down yet.''

The umbrusic costs only 150$ if you call now you have the album ‘’singin in the rain’’ for free

You must have an Umbrusic don't hésitate to call this number 2-957-623-2577 or go on our websites

To put it in a Nutshell Don't forget, Be young, have fun, taste Umbrusic's experience


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