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Pensez-vous que les zoos en valent la peine? (document en anglais)

Recherche de Documents : Pensez-vous que les zoos en valent la peine? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Septembre 2013  •  346 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 192 Vues

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Essay: Some people believe that zoos serve useful functions. Other people believe that it is cruel and wrong to confine animals in zoos. Tell which point of view you agree with and explain why, using specific details and reasons.

Although zoos are often subjected to criticism because of the lack of freedom that they seem to give the animals, we must recognize that this type of environment also has qualities. According to me, zoos serve useful functions.

I think zoos can be useful for two reasons:

First, thanks to zoos, some endangered species can find a “human protection”. Zoos protect animals from poachers (for example, lions or elephant in Africa or Asia) or from hunters (for instance bears or wolves). Moreover, in zoos, animals receive cares; they are fed and protected from predators. Some times, zoos are the only places to keep alive some species that have disappeared from their natural environment. For example, in France the “ Parc des Loups” has the advantage to popularize these animals from residents of the department that otherwise only would hear the voices of some hunters and shepherds and under this influence would be much more hostile to the return of wolves...

Then, zoos allow people to learn about animals, about the way they live, what they eat, to see them closely… They can observe animals they would never have the opportunity to see in a natural environment; better than the books, zoos provide people a real experience. They can follow the evolution of species, from babies to adults… Moreover zoos “erase” social inequalities: indeed, people can see animals from others countries without having to pay a flight ticket.

Finally, one can point out that in some cases it is an opportunity for major museums of Natural History to finance part of their research (for example to learn more about certain diseases) and it also can be an opportunity to educate citizens on environmental issues.

283 words


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