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Peine de mort - Littérature et médias

Dissertation : Peine de mort - Littérature et médias. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mars 2017  •  Dissertation  •  420 Mots (2 Pages)  •  619 Vues

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Partie Littérature et Médias

Deaths Sentences are subject of polemics since the antiquity and especially in the different arts.

In literature, we can tell about Albert Camus and his essay “Réflexions sur la guillotine”(1947) in which Camus speak about his father who was happy and enthusiastic to see the execution of a murderer, but when his dad came back home, he was totally upset to the point of getting sick and vomiting. Camus has set himself the goal of demystifying the death penalty, by unveiling the raw reality beyond clichés and journalistic formulas. In a first time, like Victor Hugo did before in “Journal d’un condamné à mort”, Camus first reviews classical arguments in favour of the death penalty. Thus, he said death sentence is the realisation of a revenge which is a feeling of the order of nature and instinct while the law should correct this nature. And he added that it achieves a balance that turns out to be false, in fact, the State, never innocent, responsible of criminogenic social policies, commits “the most premeditated murders.”

In cinema, the best-known film taking the death penalty as the main subject is “The Green Mile” with Tom Hanks and Michael Clarke Duncan adapted from a novel by Stephen King. This movie tells the latest days of a condemned to death who is accused of the rape and the murder of two young girls. This story shows that because of a simple error of justice a person can be condemned to death in place of the real culprit. Furthermore, this movie shows the different steps of the execution, the problems that can may arise and their serious consequences.

Death sentence is also a theme in music. We can find him in a song by Georges Brassens “Le Gorille” in wich he tells the story of a gorilla who unconsciously avenged a condemned to death. In that song, Brassens denounced that a death sentence can be pronounced by an inexperienced judge or without enough of proves which can lead to miscarriages of justice with deplorable consequences.

Still in music, Michel Sardou did controversy with “Je suis pour…”, song in which he takes the place of a father whose son was assassinated and in which he talks about revenge and personal justice. He wrote: “You killed the child of a love, I want your death, I am for”. Without directly making the apology of death penalty, he evokes the pain that a father can feel and his desires to see the death of the murderer of his son.


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