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Pays De Neige

Rapports de Stage : Pays De Neige. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Janvier 2014  •  571 Mots (3 Pages)  •  800 Vues

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Welcome to the Duelist League Open Beta! We have enough registered players now to open the duelist league! Information about the duelist league and how to start a match will be described below.

How To Register

To register yourself for the Duelist league for those who have yet to enter. You must post your IGN, level, and if you wish, a short introduction of yourself into the Duelist League forum page found Here

Be sure to remember to read the rules to the duelist league as well which will be posted below.

Rules to Duelist DMX

If you haven't read the Rules Page on the DMX news and update section, you can catch up here. Unlike the Team or Couple sections, the only weapons you cannot use are those in the banned section, this includes the additional bans to Duels which include the following




Smash Rifle

Assault Rifle

Homing Weapons

Matches will always be DM based maps, and will be chosen by the judge at the time of the match. Larger maps will not be chosen(Construction,Square,Highway for example). Only small or medium maps will be used for DMX Duelist Season.

Unlike the previous modes, There will be only ONE match per challenge.

Please remember to hold yourself and your opponent to the highest respect and show good sportsmanship to each other. Bad behavior will be punishable.

How To Schedule a Match

To Schedule a match with another opponent, please follow the guide below

1. During the season, those who are registered for the duelist league, which can be found in the sign up section of the Duelist Forum, you can freely message a player in order to challenge them to a duel.

2. Both players must decide on a times they wish to play before approaching a judge.

3. Judges will have their own schedule that will update weekly and can be found in the Judge thread in the NEWS AND UPDATES section. When you find a judge that will be active during the time of your match on the day you've chosen, you can message the judge of the match, who will respond with their approval and add your match to the calender.

Ladder System for Duelist

As you play matches, you will be given points according to your victory or loss.

Victories = 3 points

Loss = 1 point

Tie = 1 point

As you rise up the ladder, there are rules you must follow. During the first 2 weeks of the Duelist league, you may challenge any player you like from the roster. Afterwords, a ladder ranking will be set with all the points that have gained from all players. From that point, you can only challenge players 4 positions from


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