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Analyse sectorielle : PETITE FRITURE 4E. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Juillet 2020  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  339 Mots (2 Pages)  •  423 Vues

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EXPERIENCE: Our concept allows to live a unique experience to our customers. Indeed, the customizable augmented reality headset implemented in our store allows our customers to imagine the products of their choice in a unique and personalized atmosphere. This allows us to project our brand image by directly targeting the tastes of our customers in their living space or in our shop thanks to augmented reality.  

EXCHANGE: Our company will set up an alternative service to the sale. Indeed, the customizable augmented reality service in store will be open to all and for free. However, the company will have to invest in the purchase of a shop, recruit and pay employees, then augmented reality headsets and their software will also incur costs for the company. At the beginning, this service will not generate significant direct benefits. However, this will allow us to make a profit in the long term period.  

EVERYPLACE: Nowadays, distribution has changed dramatically with new technologies and businesses need to adapt to change. Our service allows a much more customizable and realistic distribution thanks to the evolution of technologies. We chose to locate in the heart of the French capital, in the Marais district, because it welcomes the reflection of our customers. Indeed, there is a fairly young population that seeks luxury, quality, simplicity, in a “bobo-chic” style. However, accessibility to our services will be limited since our customers will only be able to find our shop in Paris.  

EVANGELISM: We will put in place a positive message with the value of our brand and the experience of augmented reality. The goal is to have the trust of our customers and engage them with the brand. That's why we're going to make influence marketing by encouraging satisfied customers to advertise the brand's offer. Our customers will generate content, for example, they will be able to take pictures of their new virtual decoration and share it with their family and friends. It's really interesting because it allows free advertising for the brand.


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