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Par   •  18 Mai 2014  •  372 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 147 Vues

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I am going to talk about Myths and heroes. First i'd like to start by the definition of myth and heroes: so a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. To illustrate the notion of « myths and heroes » I'm going to present the notion of britishness. How the notion of britishness can be considered ? Britishness don't have a unique definiton. To prove this i have choosen two documents.

The first document I have chosen is called ''We the British''. This text consists in a list of different ways of defining what britishness is. The definition which is given is multiple. Britishness isn't one quality in particular but the accumulation of different traits like being classic with something unconventional, having strong traditional values. Bristishness is ''being classic with a twist''. British people are also proud of themself because they were the first to have the industrial Revolution, they didn't lose wars, they have lots of scientists (like Newton or Darwin) and writers (like J K Rowling). However, they will never brag about it.

The second document is a video document. This video was a debate between a young girl and a young man about the royal family. They talked about it because that was the celebration of 60 years of reign of Elizabeth II. The young girls was thinking that Royal family don't necessarily serve a pratical role now, but they're still popular and an essential part of their nation's history. Moreover, Royal family unite people and give to British people a sense of Britishness. Conversely, the young man isn't agree with the opinion of the girl. Indeed, He thinks the Royal family are just taking money and are useless for the nation. He don't pay any attention to the Royal family and thinks it's only a touristic attraction.

To conclude, Britishness don't have an exact definition, indeed there are a lot of things who define this notion like the british eccentricity.


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