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Oral D'anglais

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Par   •  21 Janvier 2014  •  615 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 015 Vues

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My summer job:

Hello, I’m going to introduce myself. My name is Olivier. I’m nineteen. I live in Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt. I study accountancy. I’m a student in Turgot vocational school. I prepare a B. Tech Nat in accountancy. I passed my B. Tech first and I want to prepare a B. Tec HND.

Now, I’m going to present my theme about: my summer job.

Firstly, I work at Mc Donald’s of Soisy-sous-Montmorency. To work at Mc Donald’s, I gave my C.V. and letter with my application to the director of restaurant. The director called me and said to me that I was taken in his restaurant.

Secondly, from my arrival, all the staff welcomed me well at once, made me confident and showed availability. They are patient and respectful which was very important for me.

Thirdly, I work at Mc Donald’s because last summer, I did not go on holidays and I wanted to work to discover the world of work.

American elections:

Hello, I’m going to introduce myself. My name is Olivier. I’m nineteen. I live in Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt. I study accountancy. I’m a student in Turgot vocational school. I prepare a B. Tech Nat in accountancy. I passed my B. Tech first and I want to prepare a B. Tec HND.

Now, I’m going to present my theme about: American elections.

In the United States, there are two main parts: Democratic Party and Republican Party. The Democratic Party conceives the society as a union of citizens' communities. It wants to assure the equal protection of their individual rights, in particular for the least powerful. It is thus traditionally the party in which minorities are, which they are ethnic, religious or sociological. Its main opponent, the Republican Party, is a contrary considered as a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant party, to impose the strength of the Union by the respect for the central values. It allows the success the best, close relation of the business and financial circles, supported by liberal professions and entrepreneurs

In 2008, the Senator of the Illinois Barack Obama, democrat candidate for the presidential election is elected President of the United States against the Republican candidate John McCain.


Hello, I’m going to introduce myself. My name is Olivier. I’m nineteen. I live in Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt. I study accountancy. I’m a student in Turgot vocational school. I prepare a B. Tech Nat in accountancy. I passed my B. Tech first and I want to prepare a B. Tec HND.

Now, I’m going to present my theme about: sport.

Firstly, my favorite sport is football because since that I am quite small I have played football with my friends and my family. My father taught me to play football and then registered me in a club.

Secondly, my favorite team is Manchester United. Manchester United is one of the biggest clubs of the world. It plays in the English championship. The English championship is the best championship. The manager of the team is a Sir Alex Ferguson.

It won the Champions' League in 2008 against Chelsea another English club.


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