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Oral Anglais Environnement

Commentaire de texte : Oral Anglais Environnement. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Mars 2015  •  Commentaire de texte  •  455 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 402 Vues

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I’m going to speak about the problems of environment.

I chose this topic because it’s very interesting and so important to protect the Earth.

First, few facts:

• Factories give off emissions of gases and toxic matter.

• In the past, farmers put toxic substances onto the fields to kill pests.

• Fishing boats take millions of tons of fish out of the sea.

• Nowadays, people know a lot more about the dangers of pollution.

Now, what are the causes and the consequences?

• Global warming is the cause of climate change.

• Lots of people don’t sort their rubbish so there is less recycling.

• People cut down the trees in the rainforests and as result; hundred of plants and animals become extinct.

• Sometimes tankers sink and the oil gets into the sea and as a result, the seawater is polluted.

So let’s see the solutions:

• We should become good citizens, for instance buying fewer products with packaging. For example, at my home, I buy products with ecological packaging.

• If we turn off the light when we leave room, we can save electricity. At my home to save energy, I turn off multi plugs.

• We mustn’t take car when we can cycle or walk. For example, I’m going to school by bus.

• It would be a good idea to have a shower instead of having a bath.

Finally, I’m going to tell you what I think.

According to me, environmentalists are right and we must imperatively save our planet for future generation. Personally I try to do simple things to protect the environment and I would like to save energy because I want to help conserve our planet and also, I want to save money on fuel. It’s very urgent and everybody must react because the Earth is the only planet where we can live on.

Look! This is an advertisement of organisation WWF which mean World Wildlife Fund. It’s the leading organization in wildlife conservation and endangered species. We can see the body of man with a shirt and he has a fish head. There is a slogan saying “Stop climate change before it changes you” which means we must change our daily life to protect the earth before that situation will change us. I think this ad can make people react because it is very moving and so realistic.

I love this picture because it so realistic, we can see a bear that melts. It’s the cause of global warming. This picture can make people react because it's too sad.

Now, the top 3 to protect our planet:

1. Pay attention to how you use water. The little things can

make a big difference.

2. Walk or cycle to work, school and anywhere you can

3. Practise the


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