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Oral Anglais

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Par   •  18 Avril 2015  •  472 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 012 Vues

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Ideas of progress

Intro: The notion i'm going to deal is The ideas of Progress who can be defined as an

improvement, a development or a change a technical, scientific or social advance which

contributes to making the world a better place.

The question for my oral presentation will be : Can we considere robotic technology as a

progress? For that, we going see in first man machine in second part machine man and in last

part technologies of the future.


it's an android and it's look like human beings. With the scientific revolution, scientists have

begun to imagine and invent MANMACHIN.

First by imagination in the movies or book.

Indeed in I robot they are robots with mechanical joints visible. In science fiction movies, it's

often robots with advanced artificial intelligence. Usually, the scenario present an overflow or

fear that robots take the places of humans (ex: Chappie). In tree laws of the robotic written by

Asimov, it creat limits of robots.

In real life, scientist already created robots like HRP4C

designed by Japanese and is a robot

much more human like with female body and face which mimics human expression. So, we

can notice with evolution of creation, machines intelligence we'll move to creating intelligence

machines. This is a progress in robotic. Moreover, robots can speak, moving and own a

developed mechanism which size thumb nail and his power is exponential. But all this


to aim to make our daily life in our different tasks as physical and intellectual.

II Machine man

Robotic can also be using for remplace or augment a human fonction which by

electromechanical devices which was attacked or implanted in the body, it's call bionic. More

humans, it could through this to take again a normal life after an accident. For example, Larry

Hester was able to find again their sight thanks to a bionic eye called Argus II. There is what

is called a cyborg is a cybernetic organism part human, part machine. In book I Cyborg written

by Warwich himself wishing to become a cyborg. Inside, the possibility exist to enhance

human capabilities. To harness the ever increasing abilities of machine intelligence and to

communicate in another way, using thought alone.

III. Technology of the future


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