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Négociation Vente Anglais Voiture

Note de Recherches : Négociation Vente Anglais Voiture. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mars 2013  •  287 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 824 Vues

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 I’m a car dealer for…. What can I do for you?

 What type of car are you looking for?

Do you want gas or diesel?

What features are important for you?

What’s your budget?

 Ok, so you said you want a…..You’d like diesel. You want a CD player, power-steering…And your budget is…..

 I have exactly what you need. It’s the……..This is our new model. This car is amazing. The make is well-known around the world. It’s extremely reliable!

 Let me tell you about the standard features (équipement de série). The car is fitted with a good-quality CD player and electric windows. There’s also power-steering (direction assistée)so it’s very easy to drive. As for safety, you have airbags and the ABS. Plus you have air conditioning so it’s great for summer! I think this car is well-equipped.

 The design is trendy. It’s our best-seller. You should buy it!

 The car is powerful but it doesn’t consume a lot (elle ne consomme pas beaucoup).

 There’s a wide range of colors. You can choose the color you like!

 I can also propose you optional extras (options)if you’re interested. You can get a GPS. It’s very convenient for work or when you go on vacation. Thanks to the GPS, you never get lost (vous ne vous perdez jamais)! It costs …..but if you order the car today, I can offer you the GPS.

 I’m sure you will enjoy driving this car. You can test drive It (vous pouvez faire un essai). Call me and we’ll take an appointment.

 As for financing, you can get a credit and pay …..monthly payments.

 The car is guaranteed …..years. Don’t worry, it’s reliable. You won’t be disappointed!

 Do you have questions?

 Phone number, website, opening hours.

 Thanks for your visit. Come back when you want. Have a nice day. Bye bye!


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