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Nouveaux lits intelligents pour l'hôpital de l'UE

Commentaire de texte : Nouveaux lits intelligents pour l'hôpital de l'UE. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Février 2015  •  Commentaire de texte  •  326 Mots (2 Pages)  •  590 Vues

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The document is a text extracted from a site. The title of the document is: “New intelligent beds for EU hospitals. After two years working on a EU-funded project a Spanish company has come up with a new prototype of a bed. At first we see the description of the bed. Then the benefits for nurses and patients

Firstly, it is designed for disabled people. The aging population the demand for hospital beds is developed by 9 percent annually

The bed is automatic. Indeed, each bed bends vertically and laterally. In addition, the bed can change shape. So the patient has only to move freely and the bed will automatically change shape.

In fact, the bed is operated by artificial intelligence software which responds to changes in body pressure. Furthermore, when the patient moves, pressure sensors send information to the central computer that controls the motors of the bed.

This bed helps the patient and the health system. So it there's benefits for patients and nurses

The benefits to patients are: Automatic bed allows the patient to be more comfortable without the necessity of a remote control. Thus, it offers greater autonomy for the elderly and disabled without needing the help of medical staff.

In addition, to avoid bedsores and other problems linked to staying in the same position for a long time. The development of this bed is a solution to help patients solve their mobility. Furthermore, it helps preventing injury from falls

Concerning, nurses benefits are: The robotic bed could also make life a little easier for nurses, 85 percent of whom suffer back injuries through having to handle patients. So I t is hoped it will help spare their backs by doing some of the work for them.

To finish this bed not only helps patients, assist the health system across Europe. Long-term patients are a problem in terms of hospital resources, because they require nurses to move them. So there is a need for more personnel whose health is threatened.


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