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Nigerian Firm Compte rendu

Fiche : Nigerian Firm Compte rendu. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Novembre 2018  •  Fiche  •  345 Mots (2 Pages)  •  410 Vues

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In the southwestern part of Nigeria, Achenyo Idachaba has started an Artesian store Meti Meth that creates eco-friendly crafts from the water hyacinth plant.

They take an environmental problem and turn into a win solution. The plan is the freshwater aquatic weed known for clogging waterways and depleting nutriments from the water thereby reducing fish population.

Achenyo Idachaba has managed to return this problem into beautiful handicraft. She started her company in 2011. She says: “We started actually working the weed and you know trying to come up with a few products here and there and then after doing that I’d seen”

They could come up with nice interesting products and take these to the communities they have proof in hand. They utilize this weed to be an environmental manage for transformed it into a beauty user.

Products are available online to the Nigerian customer base. Also selling in Lagos. She hopes to begin exporting soon but still has to overcome some challenges.

She found skilled artisans that they can utilize the services or employ full-time.

Achenyo Idachaba has big plans. The one is to make eco-friendly handicrafts. She was telling this unique story about how they have transformed Nigeria’s problem of weed into a beneficial solution and to build on that become one of the major exporters non-oil sector exporters of products from Nigeria.

Idachaba leaves from her own country, USA to go in Nigeria and help local population.

She do meeting to talk about her story, and make feels change.

This solution is an example for LEDC’s countries as Nigeria to be a new responsible actor of the future. This is an example for all the others poor countries to expand economically citizens.

Nigerian people comes from a low standard of living and do it with very little equipment’s. They need investment to become an actor of the exchange in their own country and the world. But if the government don’t make thing change, there is a big inequality, on the same level.

Poverty cycle can be broken if entrepreneurs don’t only work for themselves but also for a whole community.


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