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Mythes Et Heroes

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Par   •  14 Mars 2014  •  1 288 Mots (6 Pages)  •  1 481 Vues

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I’m going to introduce you the notion of myth and heroes. But first of all I’m going to define the terms of this notion: A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes; it can be a popular belief or a tradition. This is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. Heroes have been existing for many centuries. But the notion of heroism changed over the years. Indeed in ancient mythology, a hero was a fictitious character with extraordinary strength and courage, so he was able to achieve extraordinary exploits like Hercules, Perceus, and Ulysses. In modern times, the hero has taken a whole new dimension; he appears everywhere: in comics, books, cartoons, films. This is the golden age of superheroes like Batman, Superman, Superwoman, The Avengers. They are strong, powerful, invincible and always there when you need them, so they are ready to help all the weak and poor people. This sort of superman, with special powers represents an ideal man, a righter of wrongs, but they are fictional, like heroes from mythology. Nowadays, heroes are known as role-model, someone who commands our respect, our admiration and who can serve as a model. They are real, they are considered as heroes because they can do extraordinary things with their mind and not with their physical strength. They promote a great message, like Mandela, Jean Moulin, and Martin Luther King. From there, how can someone become a hero thanks to his way of thinking?

I’m going to introduce you a document: it’s the Winston Churchill’s speech. This is a British politician man, minister during the period of the Second World War, from 1940 to 1945. He is best known for his speech of May, 13 1940 .This is the document I’m going to talk about. First let’s talk about the historical context of this document. While Nazism ravaged the countries like Holland, Belgium, France, Churchill believed that the Germans would soon invade England. A few days later, the minister made an appeal to resistance in a famous speech known by the expression “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat”. Thereby, we might wonder How did this average man do to become a hero thanks to his speech?. Firstly, Churchill can be considered as a hero because with his speech, he made things happen, he made an appeal to resistance , and I think that it’s something heroic, he inspires me, because if someone says something that make me think about it, and if I agree with this idea, then maybe I would have admiration for him. And that what’s happened with this speech. Churchill cares about others, about his own country. He is mentally strong. In this speech he insists on the plight of the world that is facing a powerful enemy, the Germans. There are many words referring to war and pain, as “struggle”, “suffering”, ”blood”, ”tears”. With these words, he made an appeal to heroism in each British man, an appeal for courage and sacrifice, as heroic qualities. This resistance is indispensable because the victory would depend on the determination and strength of British people. So for me, the fact that Churchill could, by sheer force of his words, invite thousands of people to fight, it's something great, strong, and it gives me a real admiration. So, by his way of thinking, Churchill proved that he could


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