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Mrs Harter

Recherche de Documents : Mrs Harter. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Avril 2013  •  212 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 149 Vues

The voice

Mrs Harter is a rich, old widow. She lives in a big house with her nephew, Charles.

He has convinced her to buy a wireless to keep her company.

One night Charles is absent at a bridge party. Mrs Harter is listening to a ballet concert called Annie Laurie, with a famous soprano, on the wireless. Suddenly the music stops, and she hears a buzzing sound. There's a dead silence, and then Mrs Harter hears a man's voice, it's Patrick's voice, her dead husband's voice. The voice is not very clear because it's very far away. The voice says « coming for you soon, you'll be ready, won't you, Mary? ». It has got an Irish accent.

She’s surprised and scared, she jumps out of her chair. She thinks it's a dream or a hallucination. She thinks she has gone to sleep for a few minutes.

Maybe Mrs Harter is becoming crazy

Maybe Mrs Harter was drugged

Maybe Patrick is not dead

Maybe it's a joke

Maybe Mrs Harter is an easy prey and Charles wants to have the big house and her money for him, so he wants to kill her. He wants to provoke a heart attack with a recorded voice, to frighten her. That's why he convinced her to buy the wireless


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