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Manchester - A multicultural city

Étude de cas : Manchester - A multicultural city. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Mai 2018  •  Étude de cas  •  834 Mots (4 Pages)  •  569 Vues

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Hello everyone ! So today we are going to talk about Manchester. Manchester is located in the UK, (north-west), and was built in 1853.

By sport, by her monuments, by her “advance”, Manchester is a very famous city. It’s also an industrial, a mutlicultural, an athletic and a “wordwilde” city.The town faced a lot of problems ( a go through a lot of hard steps as war, diseases…). Among all this we’re going to clarify the multicultural way of the city and of course we will compare the past and today.

Développement :

Immigration massive (moitié du 19ème)

Manchester has not always been a multicultural city.

Manchester is the first city in the world that has been industrialized. And it played an important role during the industrial revolution of the 19th century. Therefore, we can say that Manchester is an industrial memory. It was the seat of a large cotton industry and was surnamed “Cottonopolis”. In 1853, it had nearly 108 cotton mills.

(image d’usine à Ancoats)

In this context, a massive immigration began. Since the second half of the 19th century, Manchester attracted workers from several origins. Therefore, a population from different origins who settled down has composed this city. This mix of cultures, origins and languages contributed to developing a dynamic and multicultural athmosphere to the town.

Une diversité culturelle ⇒ divers lieux

So today, we can say that Manchester is a multicultural city.

⇒ The most dynamic festivals/ exhibitions to people from all over the world for those events + international ballets + tourism.

⇒ Also, we can find a lot of universities, so students come from 160 countries.

⇒ We can add more than 150 languages and many rare dialects spoken.

⇒ Several mythical places shows this aspects of the city.

We can talk about Chinatown which is the second largest Chinatown in the United Kingdom and the third largest in Europe. Here we can find many Chinese restaurants, shops, bakeries and supermarkets.

The Curry Mile, which is a nickname for the part of Wilmslow Road which is thought it is the largest concentration of South Asian restaurants outside the Indian subcontinent. We can find the cuisines of South Asia and the Middle East.

⇒ Moreover the many religions (the Catholics and Anglicans churches)

⇒ Finally the sevral shops runed by Africans and Asians

All these activities make people together so here we can find those several cultures + origins.

Ville attractive (encore de nos jours)

With more than 150 spoken languages by a population of 480.000 inhabitants, Manchester would be the city with the densest linguistic diversity of the United Kingdom, even of the world. Where we can find 4 inhabitants on 10 speak several languages among which some are very rare. And nowadays, Manchester is still an attractive


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