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Les contes de fées juste bons pour les enfants! Êtes-vous d'accord ? (document en anglais)

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Par   •  11 Juillet 2012  •  816 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 328 Vues

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Subject: Fairy tales just good for children! Do you agree ?

In the first place, I think that fairy tales are just good for children. Indeed, fairy tales are basically fictional stories and have always been considered as traditional stories for children. Furthermore children can well relate to fairy tales and their heroes ( for example every little girl dreams of being a princess in a fairy tale).

In other words some children will be able to make connections in their own lives with that of the fairy tale. What this means is that fairy tales are wonderful means of imparting education and messages of ethical and moral values among the children. Indeed, wicked creatures have to pay for their misdeeds (kindness is always rewarded and bad spirits are always beaten ) and that is definitely a great teaching source for children. Thus, Because of the happy ending of fairy tales, message of good triumphing over evil becomes even more prominent. That's why we can note the simplification of fairy tales ending in situations where everything goes right, as opposed to the pain and suffering and sometimes unhappy endings.

Moreover, the nature of fairy tales, following the oral tradition, enhances the child's ability to visualize a spoken narrative, as well as to remember the story as heard. In effect, a child’s mind is young and impressionable; what they see and hear at a young age can affect the way they view life. Parents try to give and teach their children as much as they can, but there is no guidebook on how to raise children. So, parents can look to fairy tales to show their children a different perspective on love, relationships, and happiness.

On the other hand, fairy tales nearly always have happy endings. Though to some happy endings may seem unrealistic, all people need the hope that they may find one in reality. Without the hope of a happy ending, there may be no reason to confront a problem. If there is no chance of winning, there may seem no point in even trying. Fairy tales assure that even incredibly impossible situations can be overcome, and encourage children that they too can make it. So many times this happy ending is found by going out into the world, by learning to let go of home and moving on. By learning these things the hero may find himself, perhaps his true love, and nearly always his happy ending. The fairy-tale hero may often have to, for a while, make his way through on his own, but he always finds help when he needs it (if it doesn't find him), and he always wins through. The fairy-tale hero and his fate help give children hope that they too can win through.

As well, in the modern era, fairy tales were altered so that they could be read to children. The Brothers Grimm concentrated mostly on eliminating sexual references.

Moreover in many respects, violence particularly when punishing villains was increased. So, Fairy tales have been enacted dramatically. Indeed, Walt Disney's influential for example Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was largely intended for the children's market.

However, fairy tales fascinate not only children but adults also. Indeed, Originally, adults were the audience of a fairy tale just as often as children. Literary fairy tales appeared in works intended for adults, but in the 19th and 20th centuries the fairy tale became associated with children's


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