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La Statue De La Liberte

Mémoires Gratuits : La Statue De La Liberte. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Février 2013  •  323 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 143 Vues

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The statue of Liberty, which is also called the freedom enlightening the world, is one of the most famous monuments of the United States and the whole world. She is situated in New York on the ile of Liberty Island in the South of Manathan. She was offered by France in sign of friendships between two nations to celebrate hundred years of the American declaration of independence. The statue was inaugurated on October 28th, (One thousand eight hundred eighty six) 1886 in front of Grover Cleveland who was the president of the United States.

The project of the construction of the statue of Liberty was to confide to august Frederic Bartholdi who was a sculptor. She belongs to the national historic landmarks since October 15th, ( One thousand nine hundred twenty four) 1924. Besides being a monument mattering in the city of New York it became the symbol of the United States and it represents the freedom. The statue is the first vision of United States for all the immigrants which crosses the Atlantic Ocean and it will work as lighthouse in 1886 (One thousand eight hundred eighty six) and (One thousand nine hundred two) 1902.

She measures 46,07 m of the height of the ground at the top of the base and 92,99 m all in all with the base which supports her. In inside of the statue there are 354 markets of the ground in the crown. In the left hand she holds a tablet with paper the date of the American independence which is July 4th, 1776. (One thousand seven hundred seventy six) In the right hand there is a torch tightened towards the sky. We see several chaines breaking in his feet which represent the end of the slavery. But we also see a poem written by Emma Lazarus. The statue of Liberty shows approximately 30 times per hour and the day of the inauguration there was 4.2 million persons.


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