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L'immigration est-elle un régal ou un atout pour les USA?

Rapports de Stage : L'immigration est-elle un régal ou un atout pour les USA?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Novembre 2013  •  625 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 599 Vues

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Is the immigration a treat or an asset?

To answer this question we will focus on one country : The United states

American people don’t ask this question. They have always made the immigration and diversity one of their virtues. Ellis Island in the 18 and 19th century ans the statue built in 1886 just near the island are the both important symbols of American diversity. Statue : symbolize  freedom sen to all the immigrants who docked on the PROMISED eart and Ellis was the gateway fo 12 millions of immigrants

Obama still recognize that immigration is a major advantage for American economy

It is aso good for the immigrants which are looking for a better standard of living. Looking for freedom most of the time : Freedom from want, freedom to workship, freedom from oppression or freedom to create.

1) Les américains disent eux même que la diversité est une qualité ( Ellis island + statue de la

liberté )

2) Pour les immigrants c’est bien car :

The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom sent to all the immigrants who landed on the new Promised Land. His situation at the entrance to the port of New York made her a symbol of the New World, not only for wealthy tourists who went on a trip to America, but also for the thousands of immigrants who docked on this Earth Promise.

But immigration has also negative point. Only 2 words : Discrimination and integration.

Integration : the famous green card is not so easy to obtain. Many immigrants are living without documents. I remember the cartoon drawed by KAL in the economist, with Lincoln and called “ immigration” And as this cartoon illustrate, immigrants in usa sometimes only have menial job to overcome difficulties…

Of course the discrimination, it has got even stronger since the 11 september attacks. Muslim people are not welcomed any more in the USA… The 15th of april a new attack took place in boston, the situation is getting worse and worse.

Negatif1) Discrimination depuis le 11 septembre situation qui va s’aggraver avec les attentats de boston

2) moins d’emploi  ce que certaines personnes pensent

3) immigrants pauvres Caricature de KAL

4) immigrants illégaux. Green card et autres papiers. Les immigrants illégaux ne payent pas d’impots ils coutent cher à l’état

In short I would say that for the USA immigration is an asset but we know that it is not the same for every country in the world

Pour le cas de l’amérique : + d’avantages que d’inconvénients mais on sait qu’on ne peut pas en faire une généralités pour tous les pays.

Espace et échange PB : Is the immigration a treat or an asset? PREANTATION PLAN

To answer this question we will focus on one country: The United states

Asset For American


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