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Discours : Journalist. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mars 2015  •  Discours  •  551 Mots (3 Pages)  •  798 Vues

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The journalist plays a substantial role in today’s society. However, information is a crucially powerful thing and it can be easily influenced or hidden from the public. But what should the role of a journalist be in today’s society? Firstly we are going to see how the journalist is here to analyse and denounce injustice. Then we will discuss how journalists should be a key to the truth and finally how the journalist is also here to educate and be a symbol of peace.

When there is corruption or when an information is being hidden, this is the kind of situation where a journalist is needed. Especially when the authorities don’t want to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. For example the journalist of investigation who takes risks to discover the truth, like in Gaza a few month ago, we would have never known so much without the journalist. Here the journalist has a role to play. To me this role is first of all to inform the population and keep them free to have their own opinion. From my point of view it’s only by knowing truth that we can form proper opinions.

To be free we also need to be educated about the world around us and be able to see other people’s ideas and perspectives on issues and events. It is difficult for us to look at things from different points of view, this is where a journalist is helpful: to make a diversity of valid opinions available. For example a journalist can educate people by giving them the true facts of an event and by offering different opinions to reflecting opposite or very different points of views. This is very useful especially for people who can’t go to school like the disadvantage population and whose only understanding of the world or their own situation in through the media. The journalist is also here to make us understand what happened in the world and why it happened, to do this he must tries to be the as objective as possible, to let us free to think what we want.

The journalist isn’t only a person who tries to be neutral but also to a messenger of peace. For example when there is a war, he must presents the events in such a way that people will take time to reflect on them. It doesn’t mean that he should hide the conflict but be respectful and make people aware of injustices. For me a journalist isn’t a person who looks for the sensational picture, who wants to make money and think that the end justifies the means, this isn’t the role of a journalist, under any circumstances.

In conclusion we can say that a journalist should be first of all a person who makes us aware of what happens in the world even if it is against a powerful man or association, in this way he gives us the right to think by ourselves and to be free from oppression. He can make us understand all the point of views, and being respectful and peaceful in front of any situation. If this is the description of a true journalist, can we really say that the gossip columns are written by journalists?


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