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Cours : Inox. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mars 2019  •  Cours  •  355 Mots (2 Pages)  •  335 Vues

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←→ now lets

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second part

This document is a photo reworked with a photo éditor, the autor is not mentionned. The source is and the picture was published in June 2016. The topic is environnement.

Problematic : Can we qualify this picture of futurist or real ?

Firt of all, I will describe the picture in two parts in begining right one.

On the right picture we see a green grass and a bleue sky. There is of the greenery at ground level and the clouds white in the sky. Buildings (Ships) are beautiful, maintained well. We want to go lived over there. The desire that this world there, or our by a few years. It looks like this world is "healthy", the environment does not seem to pollute. We notice of the highly-rated of the "healthy" world, colors are more lively so that that seem happier. The right part can symbolized the peace and the well-being.

Second of all, I will describe the picture in two parts in begining left.

On the left picture we see a brown ground and a orange sky. In the sky, we can distinguished / to see sorts of thunderstorms which (who) beats (comes) down on Buildings (Ships). At ground level, we can see that there is cracks which gives the effect that the earth is spirit of separated. Buildings(Ships) are in poor condition, it looks like they are on fire of orange / red color. This quoted of the image maybe likened to a grave exhibition in atmospheric pollutants. This world which is maybe degraded our by a few years. Colors are insipid and depressing bound (connected) to this world. The left highly-rated symbolizes the misfortune and the despair.

The conclusion which we can bring to this image is that we have two perception (collection) of two different worlds. One of these two worlds can reflected the one who will be our by a few years? Probably...


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