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Importance de l'eau

Étude de cas : Importance de l'eau. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Mai 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  1 713 Mots (7 Pages)  •  507 Vues

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I-Definition of water

II-Types of water

III-Water sources

IV- Characteristics of water

V-Importance of water and advantages

VI- Drawbacks of water

VII-Problem related to water in Benin

VIII- Suggested solutions



Water is essential to life, without it there would be no life on earth. The facts are simple; all living things need water to exist. The earth is, to date, the only planet in the solar system; it is the only one to harbor life. Water is one of the five elements essential to life. Water is the main constituent of living beings and it is essential to the development of all life. All living things are mostly composed of water. For example, plants contain between 80 to 85% water and men nearly 70%.Plants are almost entirely composed of water; it is essential for him: transporting minerals drawn from the soil transporting living matter developed in its different parts perspire and breathe. Men and animals are partly made up of water and they use water for their operation, regulate their temperature and elimination of waste.


Liquid body temperature and ordinary pressure, colorless, odorless, tasteless, whose molecules consist of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

This liquid body containing solution or suspension all sorts of other body (salts, gases, microorganisms, etc.), widespread in the earth's surface (rain water, sea water, tap water, etc… ).


Natural mineral waters

On the underground origin, protected from human pollution and bottled on their site of emergence, they suffer no microbiological treatment and receive no additive; their unique composition of minerals is stable over time. Natural mineral waters are inspected daily and must comply with microbiological quality criteria that are 2.5 times more severe than those of water robinet1 .There is no longer monitored food product in France today.

Water source

As natural mineral water, spring water are groundwater origin, drinking naturally and bottled at source. Unlike natural mineral water, the mineral composition of the source water is not guaranteed stable.

Tap water

Tap water is often made of surface water (lakes, rivers ...) and, in fact, may be subject to various types of pollution. Before you reach the consumer tap, she underwent many treatments to be made drinkable. Therefore, in terms of purity and quality of original tap water is fundamentally different from natural mineral water.

The filtered tap water

Tap water (made drinkable by treatment *) is filtered through activated carbon and ion exchange resin. She’s also partially purified and transformed, because the filters remove some of minerals for health, such as calcium and magnesium in water. They leave also spend part of pesticides and nitrates potentially present in drinking water. In addition, this filtered water may also contain metallic silver ions from the filter. Finally, it is recommended to change the cartouches2 as regularly, with time, filters lose their ability to retention of chemical elements (pesticides, nitrates, heavy metals ...) and can generate the presence of bacteria.

The mineral and spring water Nestlé Waters

Natural Mineral Waters Nestlé Waters France are guaranteed by a high number of controls, more than 4 million per year, over 11 000 per day3. The diversity and origins of the compositions of our natural mineral water source and do they possess each of the properties and flavor of their own. It is these characteristics, this variety of tastes, and the good quality and always equal that allow our water bottle in international, national and regional differentiate.

III-Water sources

Water covers nearly three quarters of the Earth's surface. It exists in the atmosphere and underground. It is mainly in the oceans but it is also found in rivers, lakes, snow and glaciers. Moreover, we find beyond 99% of drinking water in glaciers, ice fields or underground.

This couplet section between different types of water that constitute the global and Canadian supply; where it is located and how many we have. Among these:

Surface water: on land, in rivers, lakes or wetlands,

Groundwater: omnipresent in the basement in the interstices between particles of rock and soil, or in crevices and cracks in rock,

The atmospheric water: in the atmosphere as either a solid (snow, ice), liquid (rain) or gas (fog, mist)

IV- Characteristics of water

Water, H2O chemical formula is universally known, is the solvent of choice; while it dissolved in more or less significant amount.

Two hydrogen atoms (H) to hold an oxygen atom (O) to form a water molecule. Now, in the water we drink every day, there are not only water ... Paradoxical? Not really because what we call "water", chemists call the "aqueous solution". Who said solution said dissolved substances ... These are substances, which give the water its characteristics.

Chemical substances present in large quantities are called minerals while those who are only trace amounts are trace elements.

The macronutrients and micronutrients are only synonyms respective minerals and trace elements.

Everyone knows, freshwater differs from seawater by its concentration of salt and minerals that is to say by the amount of mineral salts per liter of solution. However, here, if seawater has almost the same concentration of minerals around the world, the fact is not the same fresh water, forgiveness, freshwater...


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