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Implentation d'un rayon fv

Guide pratique : Implentation d'un rayon fv. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Octobre 2015  •  Guide pratique  •  412 Mots (2 Pages)  •  490 Vues

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Discovery report.


- Complete Remodeling with HO plan before Ramadan Time.

- Implementation of LHH into food sections.

- New decoration chart (still in process)

1) Positif.

a) FMG:

- More elements in DRY (EX: can food was too much compressed)

- New elements of baking, flour and healthy food near to entrance.

- Tablets alignment, better visibility.

- Good work on DPH families which were too large and was givin an “empty effect”


- Cutting of FV display, gave a better visibility on Fresh food area.

- New gondola for Dry fruits and nuts near to FV.

2) Negatif:

a) FMG:

- Promo Area too large, need big stock to full and to create a “mass effect”. (but ok for Ramadan)

b) Market:

- Increasing (double) of deli-dairy counters had increased the waste but not the sales.

- Closing of the central aisle was very disturbing for our customer. Especially for the ones who enter by cash line door.

c) LHH

- Nonfood into food was a good idea but the assortment and the places of families are not optimum. (ex: kitchen gadgets with pasta and noodles)


- Even it was done by night and step by step the remodeling disturbed our customers.

- Timing (before Ramadan time) wasn’t the best one.

- As decoration is still not finalized we still have lot of confusion among our customers.

- We have lot of complains regarding the closed aisle.

- Regarding sales it’s still negative compare to last year for the whole month but some days are positive and it’s encouraging.

- Even it was done by night and step by step the remodeling disturbed our customers.

- Timing (before Ramadan time) wasn’t the best one.

- As decoration is still not finalized we still have lot of confusion among our customers.

- We have lot of complains regarding the closed aisle.

- Regarding sales it’s still negative compare to last year for the whole month but some days are positive and it’s encouraging.

- Even it was done by night and step by step the remodeling disturbed our customers.

- Timing (before Ramadan time) wasn’t the best one.


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