- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

How to memorize better ?

Fiche : How to memorize better ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Avril 2021  •  Fiche  •  251 Mots (2 Pages)  •  267 Vues

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Many people have some kind of troubles to remember things, from where is there key, to school’s lessons. This article should help you to learn lesson better with easy tips. First, we learn by repetition, you must work a lesson with space between each time you work it. So, you do not have to work it one day before the exam, like when you say “I don’t understand why I have a bad grade, yesterday I have learned my lesson for two hours! “. Secondly, a scientific experience proved that humans learn faster something when he is “active “. Like when you walk and you look at a lesson, but do not run, you will be exhausted. Thirdly, find key word in your lesson. Teachers do not want you knowing by heart your lesson, they want you to understand it. Fourthly, be interested by what you learn, it has been proved many times that when we are not interested by something, our brain cancels it more easily that we are fond of it. Fifthly, do not be stressed, stress disturb learning. Sixthly, make association, in particular when you learn vocabulary. For example, you learn a list of words, and in the list there are “under and weather “, you can associate it, remembering the idiom “to be under the weather “. Seventhly, you must sleep enough, your brain can not learn when you are too much tired. I hope this article will help you, and do not forget to share it!


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