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July, 3rd 1961

Ernest Hemingway, Nobel Prize of Literature dies at 61


he sick author Ernest Hemingway committed suicide yesterday in Ketchum, Idaho. He was 61. He had the genetic disease hemochromatosis, in which the inability to metabolize iron culminates in mental and physical deterioration. Hemingway was a famous American novelist, short story writer and journalist. During his life, he published seven novels, six short story collections and two non-fiction works. Most of his works are considered classics of American literature.

Ernest Hemingway was born in July 21st 1899 in Oak Park near Chicago. When he was child, he loved to hunt with his father and to be in nature. From 1913 until 1917, Hemingway was at Oak Park and River Forest High School where he practiced many sports like boxing, water-polo and football. After he leaved his school, he worked to The Kansas City Star as a reporter for six months.

When the USA goes to the War in April 6th 1917, Hemingway signed on to be an ambulance driver in Italy. He was seriously wounded in July 8th; he was just bringing chocolate and cigarettes for the soldiers. He spent six months in the hospital where he met Agnes von Kurowsky, a nurse who will inspire Catherine Barkley, a character of his novel A Farewell to Arms, published eleven years after the end of the World War I. After the dispute, he moved in Paris with his first wife Hadley. He moved a second time in Florida after his second marriage then in Cuba in La Havane.
During the Spain War, he was journalist for the Republicans. During this period, he wrote
For Whom the Bells Tolls.
Hemingway was also present during the World War II, particularly for the landing in Normandy.
In 1954, he received the Novel Prize of Literature.

After that, Ernest Hemingway was tired and sick; he kept aftereffects of all those fights.[pic 2]

My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.Ernest Hemingway.


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