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Guide d'installation pour Windows XP ( en anglais)

Fiche : Guide d'installation pour Windows XP ( en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Avril 2013  •  Fiche  •  1 006 Mots (5 Pages)  •  825 Vues

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Templates installation guide for Windows XP 2

Windows 7 file path for OE's templates 6

Word 2007 User Interface 7

User Information set up 7

Introducing the OE tab 8

Quick Overview of the New User Interface (UI) 10

The Home tap 11

The Page Layout tap 11

The View tap 11

The Quick Access Toolbar 12

Templates installation guide for Windows XP

Windows 7 has a different file structuring than Windows XP. If you are using Windows 7 please refer to "Windows 7 File Path For OE's Templates" section for the location to place the templates.

Once you "download" or save the Normal.dotm, and Macros2007.dotm files on your Desktop, follow the instruction below to place the files in the proper folders on your computer.

Double-click on My Computer > select the C drive >>

Documents and Settings >>

Double-click your user folder. Your user folder may be your sNumber or it may be your name >>

If you don't see the Application Data folder, do the following:

Click on the Tools in the menu bar > Folder Options… > View tap (see the figure below) > select the option button to "Show hidden files and folders" > then de-select the checkbox for "Hide extensions for known file types" > OK.

Now you should be able to see the Application Data folder. Double-click the Application Data folder >>

Microsoft folder >>

Templates >>

You will replace the existing Normal.dotm (or file with the OE's Normal.dotm file. Before you do this, please read the following regarding the Normal.dotm file.

About The "Normal.dotm" (or "") File

• "Normal.dotm" is a global document template for Microsoft Word. Document settings (e.g. autocorrect, option settings) in this template affect all Microsoft Word documents opened on your computer.

• Normal.dotm in this instruction is customized to work with the Macros2007.dotm template that contains the macros used in specification development and processing.

• Installing Normal.dotm and Macros2007.dotm files as described in this instruction will replace the "Normal.dotm" file that previously existed on your computer. This means that you may not have some of the features or functionality you are accustomed to (e.g., auto correct, grammar correction, customized commands on toolbars).

• If you are unsure whether to replace your "Normal.dotm" (or "") template, but would like to try out the set of templates in this instruction, it is recommended that you save your "Normal.dotm" file off of your computer, first.

• Also, keep in mind, the functionality of these macros was developed for earlier version of Microsoft Word. It has been tested with Microsoft Word 2007 with no known problems, but we have no information regarding the compatibility with newer versions of Microsoft Word.

Once you have decided and took action on what you wanted to do with the existing file, you are ready to Cut and Paste the OE's Normal.dotm and the in the Templates folder.

Click on the Up folder icon to go back up a level on the directory path.

Double-click the Word folder >>


Cup and Paste the Macros2007.dotm file in the STARTUP folder >>

You have completed the installation of the OE's


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