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Gestion des paiements impayés (document en anglais)

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Gestion des paiements impayés (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Mars 2014  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  315 Mots (2 Pages)  •  705 Vues

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Project :

My project is the management of outstanding payments. I modified the current procedure by another more competent and more effective procedure so that the Jolivet company manages better the outstanding payments of his customers. I had to draft various dunning letters, make a memorandum, use the software " Logimatic " to to make procedures more efficient because the finance has a deficit.

Details :

The development of turnover can not do if Jolivet’s unpaid are present.

The accountant manages the recovery of debts alone. First, I had to search informations about my subjet to have a good knwoledge of my subjet and understand what I should do. I had to inquire on the customer request, the report on the prevention, management risks customer, “old balance” to inform me of the words of the project with the accouting who is my placement tutor.

I collected information on customers and their paiement delay.I analyzed the existing payment delays and make un dashboard and after I modified the existing procedure.I had too to collect information of the amounts of outstanding payments and the delays in payment to assess the unpaid. I found this informations about customers in the ‘client book’ do by the accountant. I developed indicators on the dashboard to understand what did not work

I did the analyze of the management of outstanding payments and the current procedures. I proposed improvements, for example provide compensation delay, employer shippers or change the general term of sale.

This allows raising the deliveryment of payment. I did a follow-up table for prevent the unpaid risks and it will be efficien but it’s complicated manage outsanding payment because employers the delivery didn’t want to charge customers for delivery and my propositions are not all accepted by the director. For example he did not want I do penelaties for late payment. I did a logrigramme and diagram Ischikawa.


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