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Friendly Letter

Guide pratique : Friendly Letter. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Décembre 2018  •  Guide pratique  •  493 Mots (2 Pages)  •  583 Vues

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Friendly Letter

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017

Dearest Sister

My dearest sister Ulape,

I hope everything is going well. It is hard to believe I have not seen you for about twelve years now. It has been forever since I heard that beautiful voice of yours. You do not know how much I miss you and everyone else from our village Ghalas-at. I also hope you miss me too. I am lonely without you and everyone else here with me, but now I am getting used to living on my own. I collect all my food; I get water from the spring near Coral Cove and make all my own supplies.

I am so sorry to tell you this now but our little brother Ramo has died. He died about a month after the ship that you were on left to rejoin Kimiki. It happened when I woke up. I could not find him anywhere and just then I saw foot prints and followed them. I saw Ramo lying in the middle of a circle of wild dogs. I brought him to our little hut and lied beside him. I was very sad. It was rough at the beginning but now it is getting a lot easier being by myself.

On the bright side, I got a dog and called him Rantu which means fox eyes. I struck him with my spear and then healed and took care of him. He became my dog and my best friend. I also got two birds I never gave them names. I found them in a nest on the ground. I guess the nest fell out of a tree. They were both small as little pebbles. I taught my two birds how to fly and bring back things when they came back. This is how I am going to get this letter to you. I love all my pets because they make me feel happy and I do not feel so lonely.

About three years ago, the white men’s ship came back. I was very excited because this might be my chance to finally get off the island and see you again. This time there was a girl and her name was Tutok. We became friends but it was hard communicating because we spoke different languages. We communicated by pointing at things and saying the work in our language. Tutok and I had so much fun. When they were getting ready to leave, I was getting on the ship but I realized I had forgotten my beautiful cormorant skirt and when I was walking back, the next thing I knew, they were gone. I was sad again.

I really really miss you every day and I wonder where and how you are. I wonder what you are doing and how many kids you have. Are you married? Is everyone from the island safe? Ulape, if you get this letter, please send me a letter back. I miss you so so much.


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