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Fiche révision histoire

Fiche : Fiche révision histoire. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Décembre 2018  •  Fiche  •  826 Mots (4 Pages)  •  488 Vues

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The renaissance

1.What was the renaissance ?

The renaissance was the rebirth in the memories of ancient Greece and Roma .

2.Why did the renaissance begin in italy ?

Ruins of ancien Rome like the colosseum reminded Italians of their glorieux past.

3.Changes in art and architecture :


Medovial painting the face of different people often looked the same.

Renaissance artits painded people in real life. The people are Michel more realistic.


Medieval painting were flat.

Renaissance artists used perspective. Tais technique create a 3D effect.

4.Renaissance lives ( Patrons )

Patrons were rich man and women who paid artist to paint

beautiful picture. Lorenzo de Medici was a great patrons

5. Gutenberg invented the printing press

Effets of the printing press :

- Lots of books

- Brook were cheaper

- Spread of literacy ( reading and writing)

6. Leonardo da Vinci, Paintor , Sculptor , Scientist : The ideal ` Renaissance Man ‘

Leonardo da Vinci was admired as the ideal ` Renaissance Man ‘ because he was an all-round geius.

Apprentice in florence

Leonardo da Vinci was born in Vincy near florence . From an early age he showed a love of drawing. He was apprentices to Master Verrocchio. Like all other apprentices, he learnad to draw and prepare coulours. The first know work of Leonardo’ s an angel he painted a part of a Verrochio’s The Batism of Christ.

Leonardo in Milan

When Leonardo was rained, he wrote to the ruler of Milan,Ludovico Sforza duke Leonardo praised his own ability as a military engineer , and brefly mentioned his artistic abilies at the end of the letter. Sforza invented him to work in Milan.

Here Leonardo painted The virgin of the rocks . This painting shows his use of sfumato a shading technique, first used by Leonardo, in wich the outlines of the figures were blurred. Leonardo also painted The last supper in Milan . This was painted on the dinning room wall of a mostary. Instead of a true fresco on wet plaster, Leonardo painted withoil on stone. Very soon the


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