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Dissertation : Family. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Novembre 2020  •  Dissertation  •  255 Mots (2 Pages)  •  290 Vues

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Family[pic 1]

Describe this picture :

What can you see on it ?

Do you think those people part of the same family ?

How many animals can you see ? Comment about them

Coment about the colors of this picture ?

Can you tell us about the mood you can feel when you see this picture 

Describe your family first tell about your mother, father, animals after if you have brothers or sisters tell us if you don't have tell if you like have brother or sister. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend

After your first work, write a few sentences about your relationship with your parents, grandparents, brother, sister

Do you think you're a good child ? Why ?

Family second work

[pic 2]

Here, you have a family tree : ask the few questions :

1) Grandfather William and Grandmother Rose are the parents of who ?


Uncle mark and father Michael are brother :

Cousin Olga and Cousin Peter are seeblings (frères et sœurs)

Grandmother Rose is the wife of Michael

Brother Francisco and Marina are stepbrother/sister ?

Now, can you realise your own family tree into you make :

* At the top your grandparents (father and mother parents)

* Under you make a line to say of who they are parents

* Uncle and aunt, under cousins,

* Your parents, brother and sister

After present your family at the class, their names and their job.

Take notes of your classmates presentation, after we do a guess and what game about a family of your classmate.


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