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Exposé sur Coca Cola en anglais

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The Coca Cola story


The topic, I want to talk today deals with this fabulous drink: “The coca cola”. Do you know how old coca cola is? More than a hundred years! And since, this drink has became famous all over the world. Indeed, tasted by a lot of people, Coke spilt and installed in each house. The advertisement very present contributed to its considerable success.

To tell you the coca cola story, we will talk about its invention at first, then its evolution and to finish consequences of its success.

I) Invention du coca.

It was invented in 1886 (eighteen eighty six) by a pharmacist called John Pemberton, who lived in Atlanta in the South of the USA. The reason why it’s called “coca cola” is that it’s made with “coca” leaves and “cola” nuts. Pemberton liked testing medical formulas and one afternoon he was searching a remedy for headaches, he created a perfumed liquid, its colour was caramel and he shed it in a three-legged container. The mixture was mixed to the sparkling water and tasted by customers of his pharmacy that all, to the unanimity, found it very special, unique and new.

Pemberton tried to make his customers buy it as a medicine. He told them it was a remedy for headaches. However he didn’t manage to make them believe him. He didn’t succeed in selling Coke. His customers must thought he was a quack. Indeed, unfortunately, Pemberton was more an inventor that a business man. He didn’t doubt that he invented one of the greatest products of the world.

Pemberton died in 1888 eighteen eighty eight) two years after inventing Coke. After his death, a man called Asa Candler bought the recipe for Pemberton’s medicine for the price of 2330$ (two thousand three hundred thirty dollars)

II) Evolution du coca cola

In eighteen ninety two (1892), he began an advertising campaign which was a success. He spent twelve thousand dollars on it. It was worth spending such as sum of money because Coke has been the most popular drink in the USA for more than sixty years. And since that date, there have been many other campaigns for Coke. Indeed, Candler applied a real strategy and transformed a simple invention in a real business. Thanks to him, this drink spilled a lot in USA.

In 1923(nineteen twenty three), Robert Woodruff took the Coke company and it’s thanks to Woodruff that the drink was known in every country, whereas Candler who have installed Coke only in the USA. He fascinated everybody with his innovating campaign. Coke went to the Olympic Games of Amsterdam with the Americans in 1928, his logo was everywhere.

Then, in nineteen forty one (1941), when the USA entered World War II, American soldiers began to travel all over the world. The drink which the American soldiers preferred was Coke. And the president of Coca Cola Company promised to send their favourite drink wherever they went. The president sent five billion bottles of Coke all over the world to the soldiers. And that’s why, since the war Coke has been famous everywhere.

The advertising have always been very important and contributed


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