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Exposé en anglais sur St Patrick

Dissertation : Exposé en anglais sur St Patrick. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Mai 2013  •  1 360 Mots (6 Pages)  •  2 414 Vues

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Patrick was born around 390 in Roman Britain from a family that still retained in the life of every day, the use of the Breton language. Long been Romanized Britons were Christians, though their conduct has sometimes been denied. They despised the Irish and regarded them as foreign enemies who do not know God.

Patrick's family, it was Brittany, Romanized and Christianized: his grandfather was a priest and his father, Cal ¬ pornius was a tax collector and owned a villa.

Although his grandfather was a priest and deacon his father, Patrick does not appear to have received a Christian education ¬ tion. ¬ blance in all likelihood, he followed the teaching of the first level of education ¬ cation Roman, then, until he was kidnapped, the second degree, under the authority of a grammaticus at the teaching which he later considered not having paid sufficient attention. He never reached the third degree, and was, therefore, suffer a double disadvantage, unable to write a persuasive and literary Latin and the absence of even a rudimentary knowledge of the law, two deficiencies he regrets later.

At the age of sixteen, when he was in his father, Patrick was captured by Irish pirates. During his captivity, busy tending livestock, Patrick turned to God and became a young man of great piety. After six years he escaped and walked for about 320 km to a port (the southwest coast of the island probably) where he found the sailors, pirates and merchants, who brought it to Britain, where they landed ¬ querent in a desert place and suffered the hardships of hunger. During his stay in Britain, Patrick had a vision: he saw a man named Victoricus who gave him a letter in which the people of Ireland asked to return to them.

Back in Britain, Patrick stayed long enough: probably first few years in his family, and several years to prepare for ordination to be ordained deacon and priest, to live for a time as priest and perhaps as a monk before we envisageât to name ¬ Wed bishop in Ireland. It was only later that he discovered the meaning of the dream where Victoricus appeared to him.

During this period, Patrick studied the Bible deeply. This is probably the same time he visited Gaul.

During his absence, the project to raise the ears ¬ Patrick copat born and took shape in Britain: a friend intrigued to have him appointed Bishop of the Christians of Ireland, and contributed largely by his election as bishop c That is why he was able to tell him, on his return, he would be raised to the episcopate. Patrick, who was a very minor, seems to have first been inclined to listen to the advice of some friends who accept ¬ suadaient in caring for both their safety in Ireland in the midst of enemies.

Patrick himself came to recognize that gradually rise ¬ God called to undertake this mission.

Despite the desire to Patrick for Christians whom he was named bishop, his mission was mostly pagans to convert to Christianity in Ireland.

As far as we can reconstruct the Ministry Patrick had to be similar to what is im ¬ door 5th century bishop in mission: he preach ¬ Chait, baptizing, celebrating the Eucharist, the sacrament conferred ¬ ment of new converts confirmation, ordered clerics, monks and nuns instituted. He distributed the funds, he had probably received from Britain. He conver ¬ tit and baptized thousands of people: aristocrats, simple freemen, slaves. In his preaching of the Gospel, Patrick met in Ireland a great success.

But if Patrick knew the joy of baptizing new converts, to ordain clerics, monks and dedicate virgins, he also had to undergo, on many occasions, insults, captivity and plundering. And even when he endured nothing like the threat of slavery and murder remained in his mind.

It is no doubt that Ireland Patrick wrote his Confession. Its recipients, some in Britain: they have experienced his youth and provide money for his mission; others in Ireland it is for them that spends ar ¬ gent, that it is spent itself and he would give his life. Patrick wrote his Confession to justi ¬ proud his ministry to each other as before.



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