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Exposé anglais seconde guerre mondiale

Étude de cas : Exposé anglais seconde guerre mondiale. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Novembre 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  411 Mots (2 Pages)  •  609 Vues

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Oral anglais

My name’s Marie and I come from Normandy. Today, I would like to present a historical event my Region : the D-Day. There is plenty to say about this event, but it will be a brief presentation

Introduction :

During the WW2, Axis troops control most of Europe (Germany, Japan, Italy). Since 1941, the troops of the USSR have suffered against the German soldiers. In the same year, Stalin would like to see the creation of an operation led by the Allied forces in Western Europe.

After some discussion, the Allied leaders (Roossevelt for USA, Churchill for Great Britian and Stalin for USSR), choose to open the front in France, and more particulary in Normandy. It’s decided that the invasion will be from England.

The message

This message was broadcast on BBC radio London. The show called : « les français parlent aux français ». This program used to send coded messafes to the resisters.

This message signaled the beginning of landing on the Normandy coast.

Why Normandy ?

The Breton coasts are too far from England to be approached. The lands in Holland are flooded. The currents of the Belgian coasts are very strong and therefore dangerous, and espacially the Germans expect the Allies in the Pas-De-Calais.

Normandy is the place where Germans wait least for an Allied landing attempt.

The assault taked place on Tuesday, June 6, 1944 at dawn on 5 ranges of code names : Utah Beach and Omaha Beach (where the americans landed), Gold Beach, Juno Beach and Sword Beach (where the Anglo-Canadians landed).

Key information :

  • The starding order is canceled and is postponed for 24 hours.
  • They travel the path that separates England from Normandy during the night. It’s the most important Armada in history.

Arromanche :

The Operation Mulberry consisted of building two artificial ports (arrommanche et saint laurent), piece by piece, to unload material without capturing a specific port.

The Pegasus bridge

The Pegasus bridge is the first bridge released by allied

Grainville sur Odon :

My town was released by scottish and english (operation Epson). 50 years after the landing, a twinning with a German commune is created (in 1994). Today I’m part of this twinning comitee with my family.

The longest day

It’s movie about the D-day (1962). We can see a German officer who is surprised to see the landing.

Conclusion :

Today, June 6th is a very important memory day espacially in Normandy. Many commemorations with heads of state have places. They are parade of car and millitary tanks as well bullets.


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