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Exercice TOEFL

Étude de cas : Exercice TOEFL. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Janvier 2018  •  Étude de cas  •  1 053 Mots (5 Pages)  •  552 Vues

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Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries.  Why do some students study abroad? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

Nowadays, many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries and there are three reasons to explain this phenomenon. As I will explain below, the reasons are educational, linguistic and social.

Firstly, I think that these students would prefer to study in a foreign country in order to learn more advanced skills and technology. In general, these students hope to learn in a developed country such as the US or UK. Needless to say that the US and UK are developed countries that have many famous universities such as HARVARD and Oxford. It is these famous universities that contain a number of genius laureates that make these countries developed. That’s why these universities attract many foreign students. After they graduate, they can apply the knowledge they learn to the development of their own country.

Secondly, studying in a foreign country is helpful to learn a foreign language. In a foreign country, students have to communicate with the others in the local language. In order to integrate, they need to accept the challenge of the new language and culture too. Many statistics show that most of those students adapt easily and in a short period with their new environment especially students who come from colonized countries.

Thirdly, understanding the foreign culture and appreciating the foreign landscape should be a reason. Students fall in love with these countries by following them on TV or Internet. Also they feel comfortable and freer than they used to be at their home country so they can be more productive and graduate their cycle of studies successfully.

As a conclusion, I believe that studying outside our countries, especially in a developed country, can be a very beneficial experience for the student because he has a good training and he also discovers new horizons.

Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I agree that school should ask students to evaluate their teachers, and there are three reasons. These reasons aim the student, the administration and parents.

First, education is an activity where both parties of the learning transaction communicate with each other. The information that students evaluate is given to their teacher without their names written. The teacher can improve their teaching skills based on this information. If there is no evaluated information by a student, this can be a sign of neglect on the learner’s part. Thanks to this information, therefore, students can make their lessons more interesting and change the learning transaction for the better. Not to mention that this evaluation can help the teacher to improve his/her skills.

Second, this kind of scoring is helpful for the administration. The administration of school can evaluates the education of teachers throw student’s critics. The administration may prize the good teacher and criticize the bad ones in order to change their way of the learning process. Also, the administration can create a special evaluative policy that will be given to students to score their teachers. And this policy can be evolved from time to time, until they get the, almost, perfect evaluative policy.

Finally, the evaluation protects the rights of students and parents. When parents send their children to school, they hope that their children will receive a good education. But when they find the educational skill of a teacher bad, they ask the administration to change the teacher or they move their children into another institution. Student’s evaluations of teachers make students feel as if they have a voice in their schools. It makes them feel as if they're a piece of the education process when their opinion is valued by the teacher and the administration.


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