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Etude de cas Coca Cola

Rapports de Stage : Etude de cas Coca Cola. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Septembre 2014  •  340 Mots (2 Pages)  •  762 Vues

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-What happened in the mid 80’s ?

People became tired of the taste, the flavour of coke.

-What was the Coca Cola Company’s solution ?

They decided to create a new taste for their soft drink.

-According to the expert, what makes a Coca Cola campaign successful ? Unsuccessful ?

-What does it mean about the brand ?

-What decision was made in 1984 ?

Because of people who seemed to want something new, Coca Cola Company decided to launch a new coke.

-Was it a big deal ?

Yes it was, because the Company didn’t want that the consumers know about the change.

-What would Coke Drinkers remember ? Why ?

April 23 1985 was the official announcement of the New Coke.

-How did Coca Cola’s company present the idea ?

They made a press conference. They said that Coca Cola is going to be even better with this new taste.

-What contrast was there between the company’s preparation and the public’s reaction ?

Public’s reaction was imidiate and negative when they expected a good reaction.

-Why was it a surprise ?

It was a surprise because, during the test, people prefered new Coke taste to the Original Coke taste.

-What was the company error ?

It was an error because they were accused, because if this product, to tried to attract people who didn’t currently drink Coke. They didn’t focus on the loyal consumer, on what they want, and what this change could represent for them.

-In the end, was the new taste the problem ?

It was not the taste, because it was good, it was more the idea to change the taste, to change what people like, love.

-What was the general reaction toward the brand ?

After introducing the new product, the company has received thousands and thousands of hunger calls or hunger letters.

-How did the brand react ?

They made a ne press conference to explain that they will bring back to the classic taste of Coke. They also made a commercial with Coke’s President to announce to everyone this news.

In your opinion, did the brand react well ? Why/why not ?


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