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Essai en anglais - Marcus Garvey Junior

Dissertation : Essai en anglais - Marcus Garvey Junior. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Mars 2015  •  267 Mots (2 Pages)  •  953 Vues

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Most students, whether black or white, are unaware of the fact that the first modern man was of African descent

History classes are structured around teaching students about European civilization and exploration. Much of African and African American history is not covered in schools, possibly due to deep seeded racism since the conception of slavery in America.

An important part of the american population is unaware of the fact that the first modern man was of african descent. This is due to the fact that most history classes in america teach stu

dents the history of european civiizations and exploration and ignore the african and african american history. This is possibly due to deep seeded racism since the conception of slavery in amrica.

Marcus garvey Junior was a jamaican political leader. He was born in 1887, not long after slavery was abolished in the u.s and suffered of racism in his childhood years. In his mind, to know one’s origin, culture and history is very important as his parents and grand-parents, his roots had been victims of slavery and racism all their lives. These days, americans tend to forget the african amerian history which makes it all the more importnt for G. M. Jr to remember and know is past and origins. Indeed, most history classes in america teach the european history and ignore the africa an african american history. This is possibly due to deep seeded racism since the conception of slavery in america.

Marcus garvey fought all his life against racism and this is why it important for him to know his history and origins.


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