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Entretien avec la banque national Goliath

Rapports de Stage : Entretien avec la banque national Goliath. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Février 2013  •  424 Mots (2 Pages)  •  986 Vues

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-« Good Morning, M. Smith, Welcome to Goliath National Bank, usually known as GNB, I’m Mark Spencer, your new private customer advisor, nice to meet you

- Good Morning M. Spencer, nice to meet you too.

- Well, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit ?

- In Fact, M. Spencer, my aunt Lily died last month and as she didn’t have kids, I discovered that she left me an inheritance. It’s a really big amount of money : 18 000£. Well, my problem is that I don’t know what to do with this sum of money : invest it, save it… So, I was wondering if you could help me and give me some advice.

- Of course M. Smith, giving some advice is my job, and it will be a pleasure to guide you. First of all, I need to know what do you want to do with this money : have you got a project ? Buying a new car, travelling around… or whatever?

- Well, not for the moment you know I’ve already bought my house. But maybe in a near future, I’ll have this kind of projects and I will need this money

- All the money ? 18 000£ ?

- Mmmm… Maybe not… only half of it

- Ok, so I think that you should keep 9000£ available for your future projects by laying this money aside on a savings account. For the 9000£ left, you have many options which depend on your risk aversion. You can invest in the stock market or simply put the money on a blocked account with a high interest rate, like a “PEL” (2,5% of rate interest). This product also gives you the possibility to have an interesting interest rate if you have a real estate project later on. The aim is to save this money, to keep it multiplying, and also not to be tempted to spend it all. What do you think about it ?

- Well, I’m OK with your idea to lay 9000£ aside on a savings account. I’m also interested in investing in the stock market but not 9000£, it will be too risky. I think I would take both of your proposals : 4500£ in the stock market and 4500£ on this blocked account called “PEL”.

- All right M. Smith, let’s arrange another appointment to discuss in details these proposals. I’m available next Monday at 3 PM. Is it OK for you ?

- Ok, no problem, I’m available too. See you next Monday and thank for your advice.


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