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English detective story

Dissertation : English detective story. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mai 2019  •  Dissertation  •  1 076 Mots (5 Pages)  •  427 Vues

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August the 5th, 2018. 8 a.m

On the luxurious cruise ship, “Royal Caribbean International”, all the crew was quite busy preparing and checking everything before departure.

George Taylor, the Captain, inspected every corner of his magnificent ship and watched the actions of all his crew.

They were sixteen in total, including Harry McCarter, the second-in-command, James Russell, the main cook and Henry Alister, the security guard.

The transatlantic cruise of 8 days, was to connect New York to King’s Wharf

in Bermuda.

August the 6th, 10 a.m

It was the D-day.

Passengers boarded for an unforgettable trip, among them the famous

TV star Serena Evans, who came to enjoy a week of relaxation.

This first day was wonderful, cruisers saw dolphins and flying fishes.

The atmosphere was cheerful and very delightful.

Everything was so perfect for everyone.

Four days later, the 10th of August, James Russell, the main cook, was alone in the ship kitchen.

Like every morning, he was checking if all ingredients and all his kitchen tools were present.

When he had finished to look in the closet, he heard a very unusual noise, like a squeak.

As he was trying to find out where this strange sound came from, a sudden explosion occurred.

Flames were spreading faster and faster in all the destroyed kitchen.

Finally, the staff extinguished the fire, but unfortunately too late, the body of the main cook was found burned two hours later

Everyone thought it was an accident, but when the captain arrived on the scene, he inspected the kitchen and remembered that the room was equipped with security cameras

He also discovered two clues, the gas was still on and a cigarette butt was found near the kitchen

All the passengers were really scared, it was panic on board!

The dreaming cruise turned into a nightmare.

The captain had to investigate.

He checked cameras recordings and what he discovered was really scary…

A hooded man took a saucepan and knocked out James Russell, then he turned on the gas before leaving the kitchen and throwing out his cigarette.

On recordings a tall person could be see


George Taylor had his proof, it wasn’t an accident but a murder.

The captain summoned all the boat staff.

Only the staff because none of the passengers had access to the kitchen and all of them had came down for an excursion.

Employees said that they saw nothing unusual, no strange passengers.

August the 12th, 2pm.

Who was the murderer?

The captain was eager to find him.

George and Henry, the safety officer, were on the upper deck, they were discussing about the fire, clues found and the importance of capturing the murderer before the end of the trip

- «We know that the culprit is a staff member. No passengers were on board when the kitchen exploded.

The murderer can go everywhere on the ship, we must catch him before terror wins all travelers », said Henry.

- «I agree with you,


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