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Echanges épistolaire en anglais

Lettre type : Echanges épistolaire en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Janvier 2021  •  Lettre type  •  447 Mots (2 Pages)  •  295 Vues

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Thank you for your letter of April 24th, I appreciate very much your taking the time to read this letter. I recently did a project and I have a specific deadline to accomplish my research. I think that I have fallen into a big problem. In this reason, I would send you this letter to clarify me and I would also give me some help.

I want to ask you just one question, what would I do if I were about to complete a project in a tight timeframe, when I realize that I think I made a mistake at the beginning ? should I start over?

I hope you will keep my inquiry and inform me as soon as possible.

                                                                                                                           Yours sincerely,

Thank you very much for choosing me as your helper, I will try my best to answer the question that you asked in your letter to me.

First of all, nobody is perfect, we are all human beings so it is easy to make mistakes in projects but the most important thing is that you have to be honest with your superiors about your mistake, rather than trying to hide it.

First of all, before thinking about starting the whole project over again, you should start by looking directly at the problem at the source and make a list of possible solutions. If this doesn't solve the problem and the project will be delayed, you should immediately contact your manager to let him or her know about the situation. If the mistake is on your part, it is very important to be honest and explain exactly what happened. Explain that this is a good learning experience for you and that it will make you better. It may also prevent other colleagues from making the same mistake. Reassure your manager that you will work overtime to minimize lateness. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask a team member for help in finding a clear picture of your problem.


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