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Début d'oral: l'idée de progrès (document en anglais)

Commentaires Composés : Début d'oral: l'idée de progrès (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mars 2014  •  261 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 036 Vues

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I'm going to talk about the notion “Idea of progress”. To illustrate this notion I am going to talk about the theme of the evolution of the family life. But first of all I would like to give you a definition of “progress”: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. There are different types of progress: the scientific progress, the technological progress the social progress etc.

So I have chosen the social progress, and more precisely the evolution of the family life. So how does the progress affects our society? (How does the evolution of the society influence the family structure?)

First of all we can say that the social progress is very present in our society, because today we can say that the family's model is very different of the 50's family's model. That is to say that the post World War II period there was the traditional family and the traditional values, two parents and a child (or several but not to much). This type of family was called traditional family or nuclear family. To illustrate this notion I've chosen these document because I think that they can illustrate the family's progress. The first document I've chosen is a text called “the nuclear American family”. It tells us about the family's situation the post World War II period, that is to say an “ideal family” two parents and one child, everybody on the same social class, in a round with a pushchair. But the period after the World War II changed this system.


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