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Débat en Anglais

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Par   •  27 Février 2013  •  Cours  •  437 Mots (2 Pages)  •  612 Vues

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Warm Welcome to respect our Dean MR Jean-Davis Avenel, my dears’ teachers and administrative staff and my student buddies!

Ladies and Gentlemen’s, today we celebrate International Woman’s Day .While we can be proud of the significant progress already made this day reminds us that much work lies ahead to achieve true gender equality!

It’s soon the end of our course, it’s necessary to find a work, to evolve in this domain, it’s there that we met certain a lot obstacles to be surmounted! BE Ready!

On the one hand, to find a job but most of the time employer prefers to take man to anticipate the future problems. I hope that you understood about what I think! GOD Is Great! We are lucky we take on the results of an entrance examination.

On the other hand, in the labor world you are going to work with men’s therefore you need to learn how to work and to communicate with them.

By the way there are situations where the woman has to face the sexual or moral harassment by her colleagues or even of your superior!

BOYs open yours ears! The sexual or moral harassment is violence and the law reminds to you!

Last but not least, you have to face discrimination in the labor world as the difference in wages between women and men have promotions but the main problem is when you're having a baby!

I know all women want to become a mother, want to see him grows and spending time with their children but our job applies a lot of time so we cannot handle! For lack of time some women resign their jobs to care their children and their husband!

I am 100 % sure that your future husbands NEVER resigned his job to spend time with your children or you!! NEVER for him is professional advancement much important to family!

I think that we created this glass transparent because we worry more our family life. That's what prevents us from going to the top of the social hierarchy! Who we take advantage of this weakness?

MENS! It’s the reality of our society!

To give an example: to create a relationship with a man

First and foremost, find a friend - our friend becomes our groom - our groom becomes our husband and husband becomes the father of your children. It is the same in your job!

Find a job - gain experience - PROMOTION!!

Young woman I would like to conclude by saving that: go to realize your dream up to shine in the highest and become “alpha females”!

In a nutshell: People say TIME is MONEY as WOMAN I SAY: TIME IS EXPERIENCE (thank you)


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