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Droit Des Affaires: cas l'Oréal (document en anglais)

Dissertation : Droit Des Affaires: cas l'Oréal (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Janvier 2014  •  395 Mots (2 Pages)  •  845 Vues

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L’Oreal case

Kiehl’s : new product range for the Kiehl’s men portfolio. Innovative in-store and online activities. At L’Oreal they don't have they own retail. But for Kiehl’s retail channel with concept stores etc. (different way of communicating).

India 2013. They started a large analysis of the south Asian market. They built up a launch with tv spots, etc. communication (not promotion) launch is really important.

- Creative agency

- Gain hands on professional experience

- Get spotted by L’Oreal executives

- Compete against international teams in Paris

Big challenge: brand awareness. Niche brand, you need to hear it from someone. Close to customer, tailor made prescription for each customer. Evolved into cosmetics and beauty company (skin care). Credibility + approachability. Not lose ourselves in the fun part, we need the credibility.

- Apothecary: Mr Bones. Skeleton in the shop, educational part to explain to customers.

- Authenticity: the heritage is central. Entertainment, experience. You need to tell the story in the shop

- NY: not an American brand, a NY brand. Cultural thing.

- Service: lot more than just greeting. It’s being an active listener, having explanation, and paying attention to customers. There is a skin consultation for everybody, and they give you samples for you to try.

- Adventure:

Packaging is still basic today. Part of a community. Do not invest in packaging. Invest in formulas.

No advertising philosophy. Word of mouth plan. They don’t do TV, ads. They need people to talk about them. They want people to test the formulas, experience the shops. They get samples for free.

Wearing white lab coats, knowledgeable appearance.

Public relations pillars:

brand heritage



No advertising money: events, etc. think outside the box.

Create limited editions. Celebrities supporting the brand are never paid. You need to create goodwill and find your ambassador. They work with partner bloggers and FB accounts and get people to talk about them. They want people to step inside the shop, so they try to make them outstanding: wooden flooring, brick wall, Mr Bones, Harley Davidson. Create a man’s product, but what it does retail wise is important: where does it stands in the shop etc.

More department stores than free standing stores. Selective market: Ici Paris Xl…

Princing: 25-28€

Structure of the presentation:

Analysis why we created this product, we have to launch that to product, explain everything on an operational sight, positioning, communication campaign, what we do


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