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Par   •  20 Décembre 2019  •  Commentaire de texte  •  832 Mots (4 Pages)  •  397 Vues

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Critical Analysis




The author who wrote the first article: "Trudeau story is hilarious, but enough with the cancel culture" is Ian O'Doherty. It was published on 28 September 2019 on the Irish Independent website.

This author discusses the subject of Justin Trudeau wearing black makeup on his face and the fact that he was arrested several times for it. Ian O'Doherty disagrees with this man but does not want to be part of this phenomenon. And the fact that he apologized several times makes them much less sincere. He sympathizes with Trudeau's history but as far as cancel culture is concerned, he is opposed to it.

The cancel culture is a modern internet phenomenon where a person is ejected from influence or fame by questionable actions.

The author divides the article into different paragraphs on related ideas. The beginning of the article shows the indignation of this politician as well as his clumsiness towards the black community. Then the idea of an unhealthy and revolting society because he comes to talk about violence "they send one of ours to the hospital, we send one of theirs to the morgue". Then he insists on his hypocrisy. He talks about what he would do if another politician would dare to show off like that "if another politician had made the same mistakes, Trudeau would be first in line calling for their head". Without forgetting his apologies, which, according to him, seem neither authentic nor serious, by questioning the way he presents them "in fact I would have had more respect fir the men if he held his hands up if he had, apologised once". Then finally he concludes with his opinion that everyone is the same anyway, no matter which side you are on.

The writer shares with us his playfulness regarding Justin Trudeau's "loss of face", who has therefore lost all credibility with his audience. Ian O'Deherty often notes in this article the political side of the Canadian and of course his party with irony "to the surprise of absolutely nobody" to follow with the fact that they want him to resign or dismiss. "It’s simply unsustainable way  of conducting a society." The writer wants to show us that cancel culture is not the solution because in the end everyone loses "enough with cancel culture because if you get one of theirs, they will get one of yours.

The second article is entitled "cancel culture punishes young people for speaking their minds". It was written by Jonathan Zimmerman on November 4, 2019 on the philadelphia inquirer website.

The author tells us about people who cause harm to others, or those who are marginalized for their differences and opinions, which are also different. In this article we still talk about cancel culture but this time on the subject of young people. He also talks about violence and threats made from social networks "while at least one threatened her with physical violence".

Jonathan Zimmerman wrote this article in several parts. The first part tells us about a young girl named Andi Moritz who was forced to leave school because of her different point of view. Then the article shows people who could have a lot of influence and are "push back". As he quotes in the article Hart, Paul Chappelle, or Kanye West. Then coming back to the example of Andi Moritz who was harassed on social networks because of her divergent views. Finally, a study was carried out by survey on the different opinions that were not expressed and the fact that Edmond Burke thinks that the right thing to do is to do nothing, to say nothing.


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