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Dissertation : Document en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Avril 2013  •  781 Mots (4 Pages)  •  626 Vues

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21/03 :

-President Obama is on the four day trip to the region. And it started yesterday in Israel where he saw the president and also the prime minister. Leaders talked about some of the issues they both face : how to address Iran`s controversial nuclear program / the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. He will also visit a palestinian territory, Jordan.. He does it in order to represent the US and because Israel and the us are close allied.

-The beast , the president's limousine went bust and had to be towed away because the driver filled it up with regular gas instead of diesel fuel

-Malala worked toward women`s education`s rights, even after she got death threats to stop. She survived a shooting by Afghan terrorists, the 15-year old has been recovering in the United Kingdom where on Tuesday she was once again able to continue her education in school. Her return to school is a symbol of the simple yet powerful message Malala conveys: her campaign for women`s education will not be stopped either by a change of country, or by a bullet. Her new classmates will not have to look far to find someone who encapsulates those characteristics. Rupert Evelyn, ITV News, Birmingham.

-Paraguay. The instruments that these musicians use may sound the same as any other orchestra, but when you see what they are playing, it`s very different story. You know the saying, one man`s trash is another man`s treasure. the orchestra of recycled instruments was born, fashioning instruments was trash. Then this is made with caps, coins and these are keys from doors.

-Driver hits a deer, assumes it`s dead, puts it in his trunk to take home. But finally when the police opened the trunk the animal was not dead. The animal is unscathered and took off for the woods. Let's just hope the creature doesn't come back for retribution.


-President Obama`s trip to the Middle East : the possibility of a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. The conflict between those groups goes back decades. Negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians have been on and off for years. One suggestion that's got a lot of attention is called a two state solutions, something that palestinian and israelis leaders support.

Obama supports this idea too. He says : Palestinian deserves a state of their own and The only way for Israel to thrive as a Jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independant and viable Palestine.

-Cyprus : Economic problems . Part of the EU, thats why cyprus asked the EU help. But as part of the bailout, the EU wanted cyprus to raise nearly 6 billion euros. People started pulling their money out of banks and the country's government voted against the idea. What happen in Cyprus could have effects accros the EU = People are watching how the situation unfolds there.

-US military base on Guam, and certain ships like these B52 (bomber planes) are launched from there. Some have been flying over South Korea. North korea didnt like it. There already was tention between North and South because of disagreements over north Korea's contrtoversial nuclear program. North Korea warned the US that their military bases in Guam are within North Korea's striking range. And one day before that threat there was


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