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Discours anglais 1ère

Discours : Discours anglais 1ère. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Novembre 2022  •  Discours  •  889 Mots (4 Pages)  •  219 Vues

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Hi so do you know why the nasa sent a man into space ? No ? Because it’s not as heavy as a dishwasher! You didn’t thaught it was funny ? Well me neither and that’s why today i’m gonna talk about the place of women in our society and all of the consequencees that are going with it . The joke that i just said is an example of what we have to go trought every day from colleags friends even family sometiomes .

So first of all for a lot of men the equality is already here when we has women still have a lot of trouble to be taken serioulsly to be respected and being comfortable around men or in the street after a certain hour. In 2018 a survey from teh Ifop for the foundation Jeau Jaurès published by Le Monde explains that in France 86 percent of women report having experienced sexual or gender-based assault on the street. No less than 71% of them have already been watched with insistence during their lives. In the subway in the streets cat calling is actually also very common every women in france but also in the world can’t live without it .

Not thanks to her but thanks to men that thought that it wass a good idea to make a comment about her dressing in a dress or in shorts even in pants or her being too fat too thin too tall men have a lot of imagination when it comes to telling us how we are not okay for them. The outfit don’t justify anything the body neither.

For example a few months ago i was in the street not far from were i live and suddently a car a red car slowed down by my side . I was coming back from a frieends house but in a dress . I have the right it’s my choice and liberty to dress as i like . But this men maybe 45 years old bald started to asks me my socials or perssonnal infos and if i even wanted to go with him . But as i was trying to call someone on my phone he left very quickly while calling me a whore or a slut and i didn’t knew how to take what just happend i was scared.

Just for being a women .and men are still saying that we are here at the equality . But that’s not all the fact of being feminist is also very bad perceived by a lot of people for some it’s just being angry hating men hating bras. But in fact it’s way more than that . Being femisnist is wanting to be considered equal as tthe men in rights and in treatments. In jobs in sports in life . Not superior just equal and tthat seems to be complicated .

Boys my age for example don’t get that we as women are considereted differently so we need to teach them for them to realise that no it was not just before . It’s still going on and not a good thing . In school for exemple it depends on the subject but a lot of girls are not considered as the boys . In primary school por instance girls are told to do langages art maybe a little bit of math but not too much it’s usually the boys that are told to do math. And in high school people don’t even think about it anymore . A lot of girls starts to just dislick science maths and sports just cuz they were told in the past that it was’nt for them even if they are very qualified in this subjects.

In sports in high school something that surprised me maybe shoock me a little is that we don’t have the same things to achieve to have the same grade . It’s weird because when i asked my teatchers about this men like women they told me that it was because of our abilities . So just to proove the system wrong I learned the objectives


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