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Devoir d'anglais

Mémoires Gratuits : Devoir d'anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Mai 2013  •  299 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 035 Vues

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Exercice 1

1. R. The number of unpaid intern ships in the United States has climbed in recent years.

2. R. Officials in Oregan California and other states have begun investigations and fined employers ordered investigations into several companies’ intern ships.

3. W. Interns are often afraid to file complaints. Many fear they will become known as troublemakers in their chosen field endangering the chances with a potential employer.

4. W. The labor department says it is cracking down on companies that fail to pay interns property.

5. R.

Exercice 2

Français English

Main d’oeuvre gratuite Free Labor

Commander une enquête sur… Order investigations into..


(largement) répandu widespread

Répondre, être conforme (à des normes, à des critères) Enforcement official

Travail non qualifié Unskilled work

Etudiants aisés Well-to-do students

Etudiants (aux revenus) plus modestes Low - income

Harcèlement Harassment

Exercice 3

Companies that fail to pay Les entreprises qui ne rémunèrent pas …

Some interns declined to give their name Certains stagiaires ont refusé de donner leur nom

To pursue on internship Effectuer un stage

Menial work Basse besogne, travail pénible

To drive an advantage (from on intern’s activity) Trier avantage (des activités d’un stagiaire)

To fine employers Donner une amende aux employeurs

The number… has climbed Le nombre… a grimpé

To enforce a law Faire appliquer une loi

To file a complaint Porter plainte

Exercice 4

Part 1 :

Main idea(s): to have a job

Secondary idea (s) or development of main idea (s): The interns want to be to engage at the end of their training period.

Part 2 :

Main idea(s): So that companies pay interns

Secondary idea (s) or development of main idea (s): The labor department wants to punish companies which do not pay correctly.

Part 3

Main idea(s):

Secondary idea (s) or development of main idea (s)

Part 4

Main idea(s): Report how internships


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