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Devoir anglais Dalai Lama

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Par   •  6 Mai 2014  •  442 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 583 Vues

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1. The nature of this document is a speech.

2. Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama

Event associated with the document: The Nobel Peace Prize

Subject of the document: peace and freedom


1. Dalai Lama gets and accepts the Nobel peace prize.

2. We are all basically the same human beings.

3. Suffering is caused by ignorance.

4. Happiness comes from Love and altruism.

5. Universal responsibility is the solution to many conflicts.

6. Science and religions have to work closely for our humanity

7.all religions pursue the same goals.

8.The twenty first century will be happier and kinder

9. Dalai Lama prays for everybody for a better world.

4. True or false? Justify each time by quoting the text.

a. The Dalai Lama is modest: true: "a simple monk from Tibet. I am no one special"


b. He admits he is the founder of the modern tradition of nonviolence: False. " I accept it as a tribute to the man who founded the modern tradition of nonviolent action for change – Mahatama Gandhi – "


c. He wants the Tibetan people to fight with military weapons: False: "truth, courage, and determination as our weapons"


d. He blames egoism for many of the world’s problems. True

People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their happiness or satisfaction.

e. He considers that the solution is only to be found in religion. False: " I am convinced that everyone can develop a good heart and a sense of universal responsibility with or without religion."


f. For the Dalai Lama, science and religion don’t mix. False: There is no contradiction between the two.


5. benevolence : "I am no one special. But I believe the prize is a recognition of the true value of altruism, love, compassion, and nonviolence which I try to practice. "

ill-treatment : " People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their happiness or satisfaction. Yet true happiness comes from a sense of peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved through the cultivation of altruism, of love and compassion, and elimination of ignorance, selfishness, and greed."

fraternity : "and a development of a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood."

ecology : "This understanding is crucial if we are to take positive and decisive action on the pressing global concern with the environment."

6. A alliteration: "honored, humbled"; "systematic strategy"

F facts:The great changes that are taking place in the world, from Eastern Europe to Africa, are a clear indication of this…


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