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Devoir Anglais Seconde

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Par   •  3 Août 2013  •  387 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 173 Vues

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Welcome to all of you gathered here and good morning, everyone else.

Thank you for coming in such large numbers.

Let me get started.

My name is John Smith, the mayor of Greenfield, a small town in Ohio. I am a very active mayor and I am also an strong animal defender. Among all my duties, my job involves visiting animal shelters to check the living conditions of the animals.

Last week, I visited a shelter in Midland, in Ohio and I can tell you that what I saw was beyond description.

The animals, about sixty, were enchained and trapped in cages; many of them were sick and had wounds. So I could tell they were abused. The health and safety conditions were insufferable. The animals were hungry and scared. After visiting this shelter, I couldn't help crying. I was angry, sad and upset.

Now not a day goes by when I do not think about these poor animals. But I eventually calmed down and thought of what I could do to change this situation. I then decided to start my own Animal rights organization called “For the Animal's sake”. This organization will aim at protecting the rights, welfare and habitats of animals. All the animal shelters that my organization will financially back, will have to meet the legislation in force and all the environmental standards. It is high time we took action and act for animals and we sue all the shelters that do not meet all the legal requirements. As I have said earlier, the shelter I visited was absolutely the worst I had ever seen. Those animals were fervently and desperately calling out for help. And as a human, a pet owner, I can't just stand here with arms crossed and remain helpless in the face of this unacceptable horror. I feel duty-bound to do something for them. Failing to act is not an option. This is why I ask you to join my organization. All the donations are most welcome and will help us to achieve our goals : I want there to be no more illegal shelters!

Thus do not hesitate to donate what you can! We would appreciate any help that you may have. Thank you in advance for your attention and your help in this matter!

Again, thank you so much for your time, attention, and attendance.


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