- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Devoir Anglais Bts

Mémoire : Devoir Anglais Bts. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Février 2015  •  212 Mots (1 Pages)  •  893 Vues

Ce devoir est à faire après l’étude du module 1. Toutes vos réponses sont à envoyer à la correction

par écrit.

Part 1 – Jobs 16 points

1 point pour chaque item trouvé

4 points pour la correction de la langue (en fonction du niveau atteint)

La phrase de base acquise................................................................................ 1 point

Quelques complexifications, mots de liaison.............................................. 2 points

Bien ; les phrases sont claires.......................................................................... 3 points

Les phrases sont claires, complexes, sans erreur importante.............. 4 points

Listen to the recording and answer the questions about Hélène’s job, as fully as possible.

Use complete sentences to answer the questions.

1. Explain the three situations in which Hélène needs to speak English.

2. How does Hélène prepare her presentations?

– If she knows the site?

– If she’s not familiar with the site?

– When she presents somewhere for the first time in English?

– If she needs to use new, technical words?

3. What advice would Hélène give to anyone who has to make their first presentation in English?

Identify five pieces of advice.

Part 2 – Welcoming 6 points

Listen to Hélène while she is working and find the expressions she uses to do the

things in the list below.

1. Greet the group.

2. Introduce yourself.

3. Say what you are going to show your group.

4. Ask people to do something (directing people).

5. Attract people’s attention to something.

6. Indicate exactly where something is.


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